Notícias / News
Notícias / News


I feel very grateful and honored to be awarded the Professional Merit Insignia, at the celebrations of the day of Azores Autonomy that were held in Flores Island, specifically in Lages Municipality of Flores, where I was born, and which this year celebrates its 500 years. But nothing that I did so far, could be done alone. Without the fantastic and wise teachers I had, without the public that welcomes me, without the extraordinary conductors with whom I have worked, without the high level of musicians who have accompanied me on a regular basis, without the great directors with whom I have worked and without the many and many singers colleagues, for whom I have great appreciation and consideration, with whom I have gone to many different stages, could not have done the way I did. So to all of you: THANK YOU!!!



Me as Count Waldstein in the film by Michael Sturminger "The Casanova Variations".

from the film by M. Sturminger



8th of November, 9.30 pm
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Grand Auditorium


a film by Michael Sturminger
(Premiere with the presence of the filmmaker, actors – including John Malkovich – and several singers)


John Malkovich / Veronica Ferres / Florian Boesch / Miah Persson / Lola Naymark / Kerstin Avemo / Maria João Bastos / Victoria Guerra / Kate Lindsey / Anna Prohaska / Barbara Hannigan / Topi Lehtipuu / Jonas Kaufmann

Other Participations: Tracy Ann Obermann, Christopher Purves / Ana Maria Pinto / Maria João Luís / Daniel Schmutzhard / Fanny Ardant / Christiane Lutz / José Corvelo / Maria João Pinho / Marina Albuquerque / Miguel Monteiro